Art of Gabriel Workshops

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Come Join me for Summer Workshops

I am so excited to visit these amazing locations and to have the opportunity to share my 20+ years of painting and teaching experience with you.  It’s a great way to solidify the time for our artistic practice, to keep it sacred, and to continue to grow. You can learn more about these workshops here: 
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Whidbey Island painting workshop – a few spots left

August Whidbey Island painting workshop – SOLD OUT
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Seattle Washington area painting workshop

August 9th – 10th Seattle Washington area painting workshop. More information to follow regarding this exciting workshop, please email me to sign up and for more information. 
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Whistler BC painting workshop

August 3rd – 4th Whistler British Columbia, Canada painting workshop. More information to follow regarding this exciting workshop, please email me to sign up and for more information. 
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Portland, OR Portrait Workshop

Saturday & Sunday - July 27th - 28th  This workshop will focus on creating a solid start with specific attention paid to identifying and drawing the planes of the model.  We will then move on to the application of value and color to that form.  Small class size allows for each student to work at your own pace and still receive the insights you need for your own personal breakthroughs.  I will do a portrait painting demo and answer any questions that come up along the way.  Direct painting allows for a vital connection with the subject.  Staying consistently more present to the subject in front of us as we paint changes the way that we see. The result is a fresh and very dynamic painting based on our immediate observation rather than preconceived notions of what we think we know about the model and the portrait.
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Rogue Valley Plein Air Workshop

Saturday & Sunday  - June 1st & 2nd  Let's paint outside! I will instruct during this 3-day Plein air painting workshop capturing the beautiful Southern Oregon landscape. The rolling hills and vineyards are a stunning setting to paint your masterpiece.  The workshops will cover the fundamental principles of painting and composition with a focus on creating a sense of depth in your work.  Drawing, value, and color, will be used to create paintings with a strong sense of design. Friday evening meet & greet with demos and discussion. On location demos and one on ones.
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Portrait Workshop

Friday Evening, Saturday & Sunday - December 14th - 16th This workshop will focus on creating a solid start with specific attention paid to identifying and drawing the planes of the model.  We will then move on to the application…
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Mini-Workshop for Current Students

Saturday - December 8th We have been delving deep into the techniques of drawing and faceting in my  Learning to See class this session.  My current students will have an opportunity to expand on their newly acquired skills…
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Abstracting the Figure

Using classical approaches of contour and construction drawing, we will begin by making preparatory studies for the paintings to come. We’ve all seen paintings of a nude standing, or a model sitting on a stool. How do we turn these studies into dynamic paintings that go beyond the academic cliché? This term is about taking our painting beyond the reference and making them our own. By binding the classical techniques of draftsmanship with strong design we will untether ourselves from the limitations of painting only what we see in front of us.
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Plein Air Workshop July 13-15

Landscape workshop July 13-15 featuring stunning hilltop views of orchards, vineyards, and a pirate ship just outside Ashland, Oregon!